Histeria Privada/ Historia Pública
Series of paintings and large format objects whose support or reference is the Chilean flag. It consists of five “flags” intervened structurally, materially, and pictorially. The format of the official flag, 3.00 meters high by 4.50 meters long, governs the formal variations produced in the flags, either horizontally or vertically, producing cuts that fragment or anamorphose them.
The work is crossed in its formulation by a previous work, which I never finished and remained as a sketch called Histeria Privada / Historia Pública. The Chilean flag appears questioned from its form (fragmentations in the horizontal and vertical sense of its proportions), materiality (gray emergency blanket flag), visual identity (entirely white flag with text), and intervention “of sense” at the level of the painted images (image of a water trough, image of a kiss, image of a flag).
These flags are displayed across the walls of the large room of the gallery, occupying almost all its dimensions, maintaining as a horizon line that governs the assembly, the meeting of the red and white planes, in the horizontal seam. The flags are mounted as material objects, nailed to the wall, without a support (frame) to give them rigidity.
In the room at the entrance of the Gallery, I have a polyptych of small and variable dimensions where I use the deconstructed images, as well as aesthetics and techniques present in the works of the adjoining room. This polyptych presents not only variations of two-dimensional formats, but also objects that are referents of the images of the large format series [models of mediaguas (shacks), digital images, blankets, small folded pennants, History/ Hysteria texts].
The work proposes the mixture and tension of pictorial language, the word, and the materiality of supports, as signifiers that possess density and discursive thickness. The two works proposed for the two rooms, although referred in their poetics, are antagonistic in their aesthetics, working on the conception of monumental work and totalities, with the other polyptych is rather documentary and built from small anecdotes present throughout the development of the poetics that I have used in my work, producing experimentations and speculations, a discourse of fragmented comments, of materials that contaminate each other, of uncertain composition, “disordered” and in a certain sense oblique, in counterpoint to the other room governed by the horizontal and the vertical. A Historical room and a Hysterical room.
Histeria Privada / Historia Pública (Private Hysteria / Public History)
3 oil paintings on Chilean flags, grey blanket flag with stitching, white flag with text, documentary polyptych and notebook