Miradas Alteradas

Voluspa Jarpa presented the work Altered Views (Miradas Alteradas) that represented the Chilean Pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale. The project originates in a question the artist seeks to answer: how is configured the modernist, Eurocentric and colonial gaze that later expands from Europe to the United States and constructs a symbolic contempt that is imposed as political, cultural and economic subjugation in non-hegemonic regions?

This is the beginning of a new research project which takes as its starting point the crossover between different cases in European history from the 17th to the 20th century, based on the activity of seeing, observing and analyzing as a construction of the gaze. To do so, the work seeks to rescue concepts coined from a Eurocentric perspective that shed light on the violence with which the world is reduced to an expansionist, developmentalist and hegemonic model; and to verify this through specific historical cases from which she builds a structure and conceptualization derived from scientific and cultural discourses. Thus, the project is divided into three parts, starting with The Hegemonic Museum, followed by The Subaltern Portraits Gallery to end in the last space as a denouement in The Emancipating Opera.

The whole journey is presented as a process in which the gaze is de-colonized. At the same time, it questions cultural constructions, since the historical narrative, centralized in Europe and manufactured since the time of absolutist monarchies, transformed all other cultural histories into peripheral histories and, also, banished the internal contradictions of these models from its own identity and narrative, reflecting them towards peripheral cultures.

The six case studies presented at The Hegemonic Museum bring together concepts with which the colonies were defined: from cannibalism as a taboo to race, and miscegenation, passing through subaltern masculinities, gender conceptions, civilization and barbarism, and the conflict between monarchy and republic. The museum serves, using the same hegemonic cultural and scientific forms, for the behavioral study and analysis of white, heterosexual, patriarchal, and hegemonic men, which in turn triggered the start of the project.

As an outcome of the decolonization process itself, the forms that were adopted locally in the colonies as new forms of hegemony, erasing other knowledge and forms that were supplanted or forgotten in the colonial hegemonic heritage, are questioned. Therefore, it could be hypothesized that the concepts imposed on the other are products of the rejection and projection of one’s own; in this sense, the project seeks to make the counterpoint between hegemony and subalternity visible, thereby tracing the paths to contemporary emancipation.

The project is an invitation to reflect on issues that prevail and are still visible in our contemporary society, such as racism, patriarchy, economic interests and diverse hegemonic forms as forms of coloniality also in our contemporary culture.

Agustín Pérez Rubio

CLASE (2020) – Voluspa Jarpa

Museo del Hombre Hegemónico
Caso 1: Rampjaar – Un caso de canibalismo europeo

Archivo: CLASE_Caso 1_De Witt.mp4
Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/sVVc3JdyNNs

GÉNERO (2020) – Voluspa Jarpa

Museo del Hombre Hegemónico
Caso 2: Primera Asociación de Mujeres Democráticas de Viena – La ridiculización del efímero partido político de mujeres

Archivo: GÉNERO_Caso 2_M.Viena.mp4
Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/IUkdU5DWPhI

Tipo de Investigación:
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Tipo de proyecto:
tipo de obra: